

INTRODUCTION بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ,Hello everyone how are you guys doing? Today I want to talk about study skills in UED 102.First let me introduce a bit of myself. My name is Muhammad Akmal Danial Bin Anua and you can called me Akmal. I have 6 siblings and I`m the youngest. I live in Seremban and my last school was SMK Taman Tuanku Jaafar. Right now, I`m currently pursuing my studies Diploma In Mikrobiology  (AS114) at UiTM Kuala Pilah, Neger Sembilan, Beting Campus. The purpose of me doing this e-portfolio is to introduce about UED 102 which known as study skills. In this blog, I will share all notes and assignments that has been given in this subject. Road to success everyone 😊 All content and topic that we learned are listed below: TOPICS: LEARNING STYLE INVENTORY GOAL STATEMENTS-THE FIVE STEP APPROACH FIXED-COMMITMENT CALENDAR JOB TASK ANALYSIS PRIORITIZED TO-DO LIST MEMORY STRATEGIES (ACIVITY 4-1) ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES (ACTIVITY 4.7) CONCENTRATION CHART (F...